Added abbreviations for dotfiles function
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 423 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
#!/usr/bin/env fish
abbr d 'dotfiles'
abbr da 'dotfiles add'
abbr daa 'dotfiles add --all'
abbr dapa 'dotfiles add --patch'
abbr dau 'dotfiles add --update'
abbr dav 'dotfiles add --verbose'
abbr dap 'dotfiles apply'
abbr dapt 'dotfiles apply --3way'
abbr db 'dotfiles branch'
abbr dba 'dotfiles branch -a'
abbr dbd 'dotfiles branch -d'
abbr dbdf 'dotfiles branch -d -f'
abbr dbD 'dotfiles branch -D'
abbr dbDf 'dotfiles branch -D -f'
abbr dbnm 'dotfiles branch --no-merged'
abbr dbr 'dotfiles branch --remote'
abbr dbl 'dotfiles blame -b -w'
abbr dbs 'dotfiles bisect'
abbr dbsb 'dotfiles bisect bad'
abbr dbsg 'dotfiles bisect good'
abbr dbsr 'dotfiles bisect reset'
abbr dbss 'dotfiles bisect start'
abbr dc 'dotfiles commit -v'
abbr dci 'dotfiles commit --allow-empty -v -m\'chore: initial commit\''
abbr dc! 'dotfiles commit -v --amend'
abbr dcn 'dotfiles commit -v --no-edit'
abbr dcn! 'dotfiles commit -v --amend --no-edit'
abbr dca 'dotfiles commit -a -v'
abbr dca! 'dotfiles commit -a -v --amend'
abbr dcan! 'dotfiles commit -a -v --no-edit --amend'
abbr dcans! 'dotfiles commit -a -v -s --no-edit --amend'
abbr dcam 'dotfiles commit -a -m'
abbr dcas 'dotfiles commit -a -s'
abbr dcasm 'dotfiles commit -a -s -m'
abbr dcsm 'dotfiles commit -s -m'
abbr dcm 'dotfiles commit -m'
abbr dcs 'dotfiles commit -S'
abbr dcf 'dotfiles config --list'
abbr dcl 'dotfiles clone --recurse-submodules'
abbr dclean 'dotfiles clean -id'
abbr dco 'dotfiles checkout'
abbr dcob 'dotfiles checkout -b'
abbr dcom 'dotfiles checkout (git_main_branch)'
abbr dcod 'dotfiles checkout (git_develop_branch)'
abbr dcof 'dotfiles checkout (git_feature_prepend)/'
abbr dcoh 'dotfiles checkout hotfix/'
abbr dcor 'dotfiles checkout release/'
abbr dcos 'dotfiles checkout support/'
abbr dcors 'dotfiles checkout --recurse-submodules'
abbr dcount 'dotfiles shortlog -sn'
abbr dcp 'dotfiles cherry-pick'
abbr dcpa 'dotfiles cherry-pick --abort'
abbr dcpc 'dotfiles cherry-pick --continue'
abbr dd 'dotfiles diff'
abbr ddca 'dotfiles diff --cached'
abbr ddcw 'dotfiles diff --cached --word-diff'
abbr ddct 'dotfiles diff --staged'
abbr ddt 'dotfiles diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r'
# abbr gdnolock 'dotfiles diff ":(exclude)package-lock.json" ":(exclude)*.lock"'
abbr ddup 'dotfiles diff @{upstream}'
# abbr gdv 'dotfiles diff -w $@ | view -'
abbr ddct 'dotfiles describe --tags (git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)'
abbr df 'dotfiles fetch'
abbr dfa 'dotfiles fetch --all --prune'
abbr dfo 'dotfiles fetch origin'
# gg
# gga
# ggf
# ggfl
# ggl
# ggp
# ggpnp
# ggpull
# ggpur
# ggpush
# ggsup
# ggu
# gpsup
abbr dhh 'dotfiles help'
abbr di 'dotfiles init'
abbr dignore 'dotfiles update-index --assume-unchanged'
abbr dignored 'dotfiles ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]"'
abbr dk 'dotfilesk --all --branches &!'
abbr dke 'dotfilesk --all (git log -g --pretty=%h) &!'
abbr dfg 'dotfiles ls-files | grep'
# gl: git log
abbr dl 'dotfiles log'
abbr dls 'dotfiles log --stat'
abbr dlsp 'dotfiles log --stat -p'
abbr dlg 'dotfiles log --graph'
abbr dlgda 'dotfiles log --graph --decorate --all'
abbr dlgm 'dotfiles log --graph --max-count=10'
abbr dlo 'dotfiles log --oneline --decorate'
abbr dlog 'dotfiles log --oneline --decorate --graph'
abbr dloga 'dotfiles log --oneline --decorate --graph --all'
# abbr glol
# abbr glols
# abbr glod
# abbr glods
# abbr glola
# gm: git merge
abbr dm 'dotfiles merge'
abbr dmom 'dotfiles merge origin/(git_main_branch)'
abbr dmum 'dotfiles merge upstream/(git_main_branch)'
abbr dma 'dotfiles merge --abort'
# gmtl: git mergetool
abbr dmtl 'dotfiles mergetool --no-prompt'
abbr dmtlvim 'dotfiles mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff'
# gp: git push
abbr dp 'dotfiles push'
abbr dpd 'dotfiles push --dry-run'
abbr dpf 'dotfiles push --force-with-lease'
abbr dpf! 'dotfiles push --force'
abbr dpsu 'dotfiles push --set-upstream origin (git_current_branch)'
abbr dpt 'dotfiles push --tags'
abbr dptf 'dotfiles push --tags --force-with-lease'
abbr dptf! 'dotfiles push --tags --force'
abbr dpoat 'dotfiles push origin --all && git push origin --tags'
abbr dpoatf! 'dotfiles push origin --all --force-with-lease && git push origin --tags --force-with-lease'
abbr dpoatf! 'dotfiles push origin --all --force && git push origin --tags --force'
abbr dpv 'dotfiles push -v'
# gpl: git pull
abbr dpl 'dotfiles pull'
abbr dplo 'dotfiles pull origin'
abbr dplom 'dotfiles pull origin (git_main_branch)'
abbr dplu 'dotfiles pull upstream'
abbr dplum 'dotfiles pull upstream (git_main_branch)'
# gr: git remote
abbr dr 'dotfiles remote -v'
abbr dra 'dotfiles remote add'
abbr drau 'dotfiles remote add upstream'
abbr drrm 'dotfiles remote remove'
abbr drmv 'dotfiles remote rename'
abbr drset 'dotfiles remote set-url'
abbr dru 'dotfiles remote update'
abbr drv 'dotfiles remote -v'
abbr drvv 'dotfiles remote -vvv'
# grb: git rebase
abbr drb 'dotfiles rebase'
abbr drba 'dotfiles rebase --abort'
abbr drbc 'dotfiles rebase --continue'
abbr drbd 'dotfiles rebase (git_develop_branch)'
abbr drbi 'dotfiles rebase -i'
abbr drbom 'dotfiles rebase origin/(git_main_branch)'
abbr drbo 'dotfiles rebase --onto'
abbr drbs 'dotfiles rebase --skip'
# grev: git revert
abbr drev 'dotfiles revert'
# grs: git reset
abbr drs 'dotfiles reset'
abbr drs! 'dotfiles reset --hard'
abbr drsh 'dotfiles reset HEAD'
abbr drsh! 'dotfiles reset HEAD --hard'
abbr drsoh 'dotfiles reset origin/(git_current_branch)'
abbr drsoh! 'dotfiles reset origin/(git_current_branch) --hard'
abbr dpristine 'dotfiles reset --hard && git clean -dffx'
abbr drs- 'dotfiles reset --'
# grm: git rm
abbr drm 'dotfiles rm'
abbr drmc 'dotfiles rm --cached'
# grst: git restore
abbr drst 'dotfiles restore'
abbr drsts 'dotfiles restore --source'
abbr drstst 'dotfiles restore --staged'
# grt: git return
abbr drt 'cd (git rev-parse --show-toplevel || echo .)'
# gs: git status
abbr ds 'dotfiles status'
abbr dss 'dotfiles status -s'
abbr dsb 'dotfiles status -sb'
# gshow: git show
abbr dshow 'dotfiles show'
abbr dshowps 'dotfiles show --pretty=short --show-signature'
# gst: git stash
abbr dst 'dotfiles stash'
abbr dsta 'dotfiles stash apply'
abbr dstc 'dotfiles stash clear'
abbr dstd 'dotfiles stash drop'
abbr dstl 'dotfiles stash list'
abbr dstp 'dotfiles stash pop'
abbr dstshow 'dotfiles stash show --text'
abbr dstall 'dotfiles stash --all'
abbr dsts 'dotfiles stash save'
# gsu: git submodule
abbr dsu 'dotfiles submodule update'
# gsw: git switch
abbr dsw 'dotfiles switch'
abbr dswc 'dotfiles switch -c'
abbr dswm 'dotfiles switch (git_main_branch)'
abbr dswd 'dotfiles switch (git_develop_branch)'
# gt: git tag
abbr dt 'dotfiles tag'
abbr dts 'dotfiles tag -s'
abbr dta 'dotfiles tag -a'
abbr dtas 'dotfiles tag -a -s'
# gtl
# gwch: git whatchanged
abbr dwch 'dotfiles whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium'
# gwt: git worktree
abbr dwt 'dotfiles worktree'
abbr dwta 'dotfiles worktree add'
abbr dwtls 'dotfiles worktree list'
abbr dwtmv 'dotfiles worktree move'
abbr dwtrm 'dotfiles worktree remove'
# gam: git am
abbr dam 'dotfiles am'
abbr damc 'dotfiles am --continue'
abbr dams 'dotfiles am --skip'
abbr dama 'dotfiles am --abort'
abbr damscp 'dotfiles am --show-current-patch'
function dotfiles_abbr_uninstall --on-event git_abbr_uninstall
abbr -e d
abbr -e da
abbr -e daa
abbr -e dapa
abbr -e dau
abbr -e dav
abbr -e dap
abbr -e dapt
abbr -e db
abbr -e dba
abbr -e dbd
abbr -e dbDf
abbr -e dbD
abbr -e dbDf
abbr -e dbnm
abbr -e dbr
abbr -e dbl
abbr -e dbs
abbr -e dbsb
abbr -e dbsg
abbr -e dbsr
abbr -e dbss
abbr -e dc
abbr -e dci
abbr -e dc!
abbr -e dcn
abbr -e dcn!
abbr -e dca
abbr -e dca!
abbr -e dcan!
abbr -e dcans!
abbr -e dcam
abbr -e dcas
abbr -e dcasm
abbr -e dcsm
abbr -e dcm
abbr -e dcs
abbr -e dcf
abbr -e dcl
abbr -e dclean
abbr -e dco
abbr -e dcob
abbr -e dcom
abbr -e dcod
abbr -e dcof
abbr -e dcoh
abbr -e dcor
abbr -e dcos
abbr -e dcors
abbr -e dcount
abbr -e dcp
abbr -e dcpa
abbr -e dcpc
abbr -e dd
abbr -e ddca
abbr -e ddcw
abbr -e ddct
abbr -e ddt
abbr -e ddup
abbr -e ddct
abbr -e df
abbr -e dfa
abbr -e dfo
abbr -e dhh
abbr -e di
abbr -e dignore
abbr -e dignored
abbr -e dk
abbr -e dke
abbr -e dfg
abbr -e dl
abbr -e dls
abbr -e dlsp
abbr -e dlg
abbr -e dlgda
abbr -e dlgm
abbr -e dlo
abbr -e dlog
abbr -e dloga
abbr -e dm
abbr -e dmom
abbr -e dmum
abbr -e dma
abbr -e dmtl
abbr -e dmtlvim
abbr -e dp
abbr -e dpd
abbr -e dpf
abbr -e dpf!
abbr -e dpt
abbr -e dptf
abbr -e dptf!
abbr -e dpoat
abbr -e dpoatf!
abbr -e dpoatf!
abbr -e dpv
abbr -e dpl
abbr -e dplo
abbr -e dplom
abbr -e dplu
abbr -e dplum
abbr -e dr
abbr -e dra
abbr -e drau
abbr -e drrm
abbr -e drmv
abbr -e drset
abbr -e dru
abbr -e drv
abbr -e drvv
abbr -e drb
abbr -e drba
abbr -e drbc
abbr -e drbd
abbr -e drbi
abbr -e drbom
abbr -e drbo
abbr -e drbs
abbr -e drev
abbr -e drs
abbr -e drs!
abbr -e drsh
abbr -e drsh!
abbr -e drsoh
abbr -e drsoh!
abbr -e dpristine
abbr -e drs-
abbr -e drm
abbr -e drmc
abbr -e drst
abbr -e drsts
abbr -e drstst
abbr -e drt
abbr -e ds
abbr -e dss
abbr -e dsb
abbr -e dshow
abbr -e dshowps
abbr -e dst
abbr -e dsta
abbr -e dstc
abbr -e dstd
abbr -e dstl
abbr -e dstp
abbr -e dstshow
abbr -e dstall
abbr -e dsts
abbr -e dsu
abbr -e dsw
abbr -e dswc
abbr -e dswm
abbr -e dswd
abbr -e dt
abbr -e dts
abbr -e dta
abbr -e dtas
abbr -e dwch
abbr -e dwt
abbr -e dwta
abbr -e dwtls
abbr -e dwtmv
abbr -e dwtrm
abbr -e dam
abbr -e damc
abbr -e dams
abbr -e dama
abbr -e damscp
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