# Rectes Rectes (anagram from "secret") is self-hosted service to share secrets (like passwords) with somebody over the network, but don't want them to appear in chats, unencrypted e-mails, etc. This service tries to be as anonymous as possible. The only personal information that will be stored on a server will be IP address of the client that made request to the server. Service is built with Python, FastAPI and is using Redis for data storage. ## Contributing Codestyle is enforced with Black, and additional checks are done with the help of pre-commit-hooks, Flake8 and isort. Prior to making any commits, install `pre-commit` tool and install hooks: ``` # Alternatively, you could use 'pip install ".[development]"' $ pip install pre-commit==2.19.0 $ pre-commit install ``` This way you will always be sure that new code follows project guidelines. This project is using trunk-based branching strategy with the `main` as trunk branch.